A Beautiful Mind

Joe Ciccarone
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” — Aesop

What’s the SECRET TO LIFE?

The best explanation I ever heard is from Tony Robbins.

In his UNSHAKEABLE podcast, Robbins said there are 2 rules people need to follow to live an extraordinary life.


“Surround yourself with quality individuals. You become who you hang out with.”

Who do you spend the most time with?

Who’s In Your 5?

These people influence:

  • What you DO.
  • What you EAT.
  • How you MOVE.
  • What you READ.
  • Where you GO.

Think about it.

Is this the life you want to lead?

If not, it may be time to MAKE SOME CHANGES.

Nothing will elevate our lives faster than being surrounded by great people.


“Develop the ability to live in a state of gratitude regardless of your circumstances.”

It’s easy to BE HAPPY when things are going our way.

It takes a strong MINDSET to do so when life gets difficult.

Robbins said, “We have to remember that life happens for us, not to us.”

Each OBSTACLE is there to make us better.

Ryan Holiday wrote, “Obstacles show us who we really are.”

There are seeds of opportunity in every setback.

Gifts are hidden inside each problem.

Our job is to find it.

There is nothing more liberating than…


-Joe Ciccarone




Joe Ciccarone

Host of the Built Not Born Podcast, Blogger, & BJJ Black Belt. www.SalesVibe.Blog