Roll With The Punches
“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” — Rocky Balboa
Welcome to The Vibe!
The weekly blog that shows up in your inbox while respecting your social distance.
Each week we discuss ONE IDEA that will help you live a better life.
This week’s topic is the power of ROUTINES.
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The Vibe: Roll with the Punches
There is a haunting Chinese blessing that doubles as a curse.
“May you live in interesting times.”
A fitting phrase for the present moment.
Schools closed, communities self-isolating and our daily ROUTINES KO’d like an early opponent of Mike Tyson.
Not to mention we have to watch that guy in jean shorts carry nine cases of toilet paper out of Costco.
Interesting times.
Epictetus said the most important thing in life is to separate the world into two categories:
1) What we control.
2) What we don’t.
The next few weeks will give us a chance to put this wisdom into action.
We don’t control that this virus is here.
We don’t control our communities are shut down.
We don’t control what that guy wearing jean shorts buys at Costco.
But we have 100% control of our own actions.
We all have some BIG time family bonding on our hands.
A great way to ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES is to establish new ROUTINES.
We are all products of our daily ROUTINE.
Routines create the rhythm for our lives.
Our routines establish our habits.
Our habits determine who we become.
It’s time to create some new ROUTINES for times like these.
Here are 3.5 ROUTINE IDEAS that may help:
1) Take Long Walks Outside
Soren Kierkegaard wrote, “Every day, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts…if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.”
Long walks outside clear our mind.
They get the blood flowing.
Walks connect us with nature.
Some of our best family conversations happen during walking.
2) Establish a Reading Practice
There has never been a better time to be a reader.
There are some mind blowing, perspective changing books out there.
Gather your crew and have them read for an hour in the same room.
Then have each person share one idea from the book they are reading.
Amazing conversations will follow.
3) Declutter
Use this unexpected time together to liberate your house of all that clutter.
Use your free time to free your home (and your mind).
You’ll BE HAPPY you did.
3.5) Be Kind
Everyone is out of their routine.
This is NOT business as usual.
George Raveling wrote, “This is a good time to be good to one another.”
There is never a need to distance ourselves from KINDNESS.
Ryan Holiday said that the version of you who steps out of this quarantine can be a better version than entered it.
Creating new ROUTINES like these can make that happen.
A BIG THANK YOU to all the healthcares care workers holding down the front lines.
To all the SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS that have people relying on them for their paychecks.
Stand tough.
This too shall pass…
Keep fighting…
Joe Ciccarone