Seth Godin on Creativity, Overcoming Fear & Saving the Planet
2 min readJan 3, 2024
“Creativity is an act of leadership.” — Seth Godin
Built Not Born (Episode X-Ray): Seth and I discuss the creative process, overcoming fear, and why the world needs your art.
Seth Godin is the author of 21 best-selling books that have been translated into 40 languages.
Seth’s daily blog is one of the most read blogs in the world.
Seth is the founder of the altMBA and the Akimbo Workshops. Part of the Akimbo platform was The Podcasting Workshop, where I learned to podcast from Seth and Alexandra DiPalma.
4.5 Ideas on Creativity & Leadership from Seth Godin:
1) How to Write Your First Book:
- Buy a USB digital recorder.
- Go for a long walk with someone you trust.
- During that walk, explain what it is you want to say in your book.
- Just talk (because no one has “talkers block”).
- When they get confused, make it more clear.
- Send that recording to a transcript house.
- What they send back is the FIRST DRAFT of your book.
2) Winners Quit All the Time
- The most successful people are the ones who QUIT the WRONG things, so they can focus on the RIGHT things.
- “If you can figure out who you can serve best and get rid of everybody else, your life gets better.” — Seth Godin
3) Leaders are Created Not Born
- “Leaders aren’t people who are born to be leaders. They’re people who choose to be leaders.” — Seth Godin
- There is a difference between SKILLS and TALENTS.
- Skills can be learned. Talents you are born with.
- LEADERSHIP and CREATIVITY are both skills.
4) We Only Get One Chance at Tomorrow
- “We don’t get tomorrow over again, we get to do it only once so we might as well do it better.” — Seth Godin
4.5) Ship It
- Have the COURAGE to SHIP your work out into the world.
- This will make you and work your work better.
- SHIPPING your work gives you discernment.
- Then you get the chance to do it again.
- “Create something worth sharing. Put your name on it. Own it. Be able to say, “Here, I made this.” Because that’s scary and that can get you kicked out of the village.” — Seth Godin
Connect with Seth Godin:
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