Super Power

Joe Ciccarone
2 min readMay 16, 2017

“Know thyself.” — Socrates

If you could have one SUPERPOWER, what would it be?

Growing up I wished I could read people’s minds.

Facebook cured me of that.

Now my superpower would be SELF AWARENESS.

Self awareness is magic.

Self awareness is:

  • Knowing your strengths.
  • Realizing your weaknesses.
  • Understanding how your actions affect others.

Self Awareness is more important than intelligence.

Early in my career, I struggled big time with self awareness.

I wanted to be a tax accountant.

I got a degree in accounting and a position in a CPA firm.

How do you say “bad idea” in Italian?

Family members, who never offered me advice ever, pulled me aside during parties and told me I was making a mistake.

They said accounting and me were not a good combination.

Did their opinions have something to do with my inability to sit still, not being great with math, and my habit of talking to anyone who entered the room?

It’s amazing what others see, but we can’t.

My lack of self awareness caused a number of job changes.

I moved through 3 different industries to find my career path.

Fun times…

Tony Robbins said, “Self awareness is one of the rarest of human commodities. Very few people are aware of their own patterns.”

So true.

Self awareness dramatically improves your chances of succeeding in SALES.


Selling is about INFLUENCE.

Influence starts with self awareness.

3 Ways to Increase Self Awareness:

1. Video Yourself

There’s a reason video is used by every professional sports team on the planet. The tape does not lie. Watching yourself give a sales presentation can make you uncomfortable, but gives amazing perspective. It shows things you would never realize. Once you see your errors, they are much easier to correct.

2. Imagine You are Being Recorded

This idea came from Jocko Willink. Willink said just the thought of being recorded will affect your actions. Imagine your actions, expressions, and words are being taped. Then imagine that video played back to your family & friends. Ouch…

3. Seek Out Feedback

Find someone you respect. Ask them to critique your game. How do they think you’re doing? What should you start doing? What do you need to stop? This one takes courage. Double that if you ask one of your customers.

Gary Vee said, “If you don’t have self awareness, then no matter how smart you are, you aren’t going to get very far.”


-Joe Ciccarone



Joe Ciccarone

Host of the Built Not Born Podcast, Blogger, & BJJ Black Belt. www.SalesVibe.Blog