Take the Gold

Joe Ciccarone
3 min readJan 12, 2021
Take the Gold

“Within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” — Ryan Holiday

New Year’s Eve 2020 was like that frat party in college where the kegs kicked and the police showed up at the same time.

Everyone wanted out.

And we dashed to the exits at midnight full speed.

Good riddance.

2020 did an amazing job smashing most of our plans.

But we survived.

Now it’s time to turn the page.

Before we drag 2020 out to the curb with our dead Christmas tree, we need to do one thing.

TAKE THE GOLD with us.

There’s a saying from Ben Franklin, who was no stranger to challenging years, “The things which hurt, instruct.”

2020 was a fantastic teacher.

It did an incredible job of showing us our weaknesses.

It tested our mental and physical health.

Punched our daily routines in the throat.

And tried it’s best to cross collar choke our businesses.

It forced us to evolve or become irrelevant.

But OBSTACLES also have a positive side.

They not only obstruct, they instruct.

Obstacles show us what we need to change

In The Obstacle Is the Way, Ryan Holiday writes that obstacles can teach us a better way.

“What impedes us can also empower us.”

When we are forced to find new ways of doing things, progress is not far behind.

Here are 3 GOLD NUGGETS I am bringing into the new year:


We stopped trying to be everywhere.

2020 crushed our superficial relationships.

Which is NOT a bad thing.

No driving an hour each way to that party you did not want to attend on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

There were less work travel because we found out that not all meetings need to be live.

We got to hang out and spend quality time with our number one customer — our family.

We did less and learned to do it better.


Fire pits on a Friday night with your friends.

Long hikes with your family on Christmas Day.

Outdoor bike rides in December.

These are no longer just for people in the OC.

You may need to dress in 6 layers for the Philly winter, but 2020 showed us that the great outdoors is the gym that never closes and never charges a monthly fee.


Time is our most precious asset.

No one ever has enough of it.

2020 taught us that we can delegate out time drains like market trips and Costco runs.

I never realized how much time was wasted going food shopping.

Now the market gets dropped off at your doorstep with a few taps of your phone.

If we save just an hour per week NOT going to the market, that’s over 2 full days you just bought back to do whatever you please in 2021.


Years like 2020 show us what we need to change.

They show us a better way.

The new year is in front of us.

Time to turn the page.

Just TAKE THE GOLD with you.


Wish you an amazing 2021!

Joe Ciccarone




Joe Ciccarone

Host of the Built Not Born Podcast, Blogger, & BJJ Black Belt. www.SalesVibe.Blog