The Finest Hour
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” — Winston Churchill
There is an old saying, “Adversity reveals character.”
Many people crumble at the first sign of difficulty.
As soon life knocks them down, they FADE AWAY.
There’s another group that responds in a different way.
They RISE to the occasion.
ADVERSITY actually makes them better.
How you respond to ADVERSITY will determine the direction of your life.
ADVERSITY will show up at the worst time.
How will you RESPOND?
Will you RISE UP?
Or just FADE AWAY?
One of the greatest examples of LEADERSHIP under extreme ADVERSITY is Winston Churchill.
Churchill faced the daunting task of leading Great Britain against the Nazis during World War 2.
The month of June 1940 was exceptionally trying.
The “Battle of Britain” was underway.
Britain’s Royal Air Force was fighting Nazi Germany literally in the skies over their homes.
The fate of Britain and Western Europe hung in the balance.
On June 18, 1940 Churchill addressed Parliament.
Speaking in a Parliament under incredible PRESSURE and to a nation facing extreme ADVERSITY, Churchill delivered one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century.
The address would become known as Churchill’s “Finest Hour” speech.
One of the speech’s memorable lines is relevant today as when it echoed through Parliament.
Churchill said, “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties…that if the British Empire lasts for a thousand years, they will say ‘This was their finest hour…’.”
There it is.
A GAME PLAN to take on ADVERSITY in one sentence.
Firm your resolve.
Do your job.
We may not be saving the free world.
But we are impacting OUR WORLD.
Life is going to test you.
No need to FADE AWAY.
Rise to the moment.
Be a Churchill.
-Joe Ciccarone